How the TALOS combat suit can read troops' vitals and give them super strength

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Similar to the now legendary Iron Man suit from the Marvel movies, TALOS will also be able to provide wearers with heightened situational awareness while streaming in huge amounts of data and information.


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Special Operations Develops 'Iron Man' Suit > U.S. Department of Defense > Defense Department News

U.S. Army Advanced New TALOS (IRON MAN) Suit for Soldiers

How exosuit technology could improve officer safety

Special Forces TALOS powered strength boosting exoskeleton with electrically activated liquid body armor will debut in 2017

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The Tactical Assault Light Operator Suit, or TALOS will be made of liquid armor that can solidify on command. Fitted with the protective gear troops would be more lethal and better protected

Iron Man army: US military developing armor that allows special ops commandos to walk through stream of bullets, see in the dark, heal wounds and monitor vital signs